Video invitation to ISU 2013 had been added in Korean, Czech and Icelandic language
Video invitation to ISU 2013 had been added in Korean, Czech and Icelandic language
Video invitation to ISU 2013 in Polish language has been added.
Video invitation to ISU 2013 has been added in Catalan and Spanish. Slovene presentation has been updated.
Video invitation to ISU 2013 in French and Japanese has been added. English presentation is being slightly updated as well (only text).
German version of video presentation for ISU 2013 has been added. The file is available under “multimedia downloads”.
YouTube (English version) has been updated as well
Multimedia presentation for ISU 2013 has been improved. New files are available under “multimedia downloads”.The improved presentation will be translated and uploaded to YouTube shortly.
The invitation to ISU 2013 has been slightly modified and uploaded on YouTube.
Updated versions can be download in “Media downloads” section (now including the version for 3D TVs). Dutch and Slovene presentations are added as well.
Invitation to the ISU 2013 is slightly modified and added to YouTube.
Updated invitation to ISU 2013 shows can be download in “Media downloads” section.
Some information has been added to pages Ljubljana, Slovenia and Getting there. More information will be added soon.
Some smaller modifications (text modifications, new links, etc.) have been made on several pages.