Odsek za sisteme in vodenje
Institut Jožef Stefan
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
e-mail: dani.juricic@ijs.si
tel: +386 1 477 36 61
Date of birth: May 9, 1958
Place of birth: Pula (Istria), Croatia
In 2001 and 2007 was elected Assistant Professor at the University of Ljubljana and Associate Professor at the University of Nova Gorica
respectively (both in the area of electrical engineering). Since 2004 he has been involved in teaching assignements related to various
topics: Environmental modelling at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences (University of Nova Gorica), Selected topics in modern control
technologies and Selected topics in modelling of complex processes at the Jozef Stefan Postgraduate School and Production information
systems at the Schoold of Engineering and Management since 2006/2007. SInce 2007 he has hold lectures in Control of logistic systems and
Stochastic processes in logistics at the Faculty of Logistics, the University of Maribor.
In attempt to promote dissemination of most recent achievements in control systems technologies he has acted as one of the
co-founders of a novel continuing education scheme for engineers in industry. In co-operation with collegues from the Jozef
Stefan Institute and Faculty of Electrical Engineering he established a suite of intensive one-week courses organised successively
on the regular basis. These courses have been running already for almost 14 years.
He has been co-operating with a number of European research groups, e.g. Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, Hungarian Acedemy of Sciences and Technical University Darmstadt. During the academic year 1984/1985 he has
been with the Institute of Automation, Technical University Darmstadt, where he completed part of his PhD Dissertation.
In 2001 he was awarded DAAD Fellowship for research assignement at the same university. In 2006 he visited Department of Physiscs,
Lancaster University (UK) as EPSRC Visiting Research Fellow.
He has served as project leader or responsible person in a number of national and international projects and projects for industry.
Since 2009 he has taken over the role of head of the programme group Systems and Control (long-term research programme).
Celotna bibliografija: dostopna preko sistema Cobiss
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