Publications in year 2016

Original Scientific Article (1.01)
KOCIJAN, Juš, GRADIŠAR, Dejan, BOŽNAR, Marija, GRAŠIČ, Boštjan, MLAKAR, Primož. On-line algorithm for ground-level ozone prediction with a mobile station. Atmospheric environment, 2016, vol. 131, 326 - 333.
GRADIŠAR, Dejan, GRAŠIČ, Boštjan, BOŽNAR, Marija, MLAKAR, Primož, KOCIJAN, Juš. Improving of local ozone forecasting by integrated models. Environmental science and pollution research international, Springer, 2016, vol. 23, no. 18, 18439-18450.
ALEKSOVSKI, Darko, KOCIJAN, Juš, DŽEROSKI, Sašo. Ensembles of fuzzy linear model trees for the identification of multi-output systems. IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems, IEEE, 2016, vol. 24, no. 4, 916-929.
ALEKSOVSKI, Darko, DOVŽAN, Dejan, DŽEROSKI, Sašo, KOCIJAN, Juš. A comparison of fuzzy identification methods on benchmark datasets. IFAC papersOnline, Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 49, no. 5.
PREGELJ, Boštjan, MICOR, Michał, DOLANC, Gregor, PETROVČIČ, Janko, JOVAN, Vladimir. Impact of fuel cell and battery size to overall system performance - a diesel fuel-cell APU case study. Applied Energy, Elsevier, 2016, 182.
DOLANC, Gregor, PREGELJ, Boštjan, PETROVČIČ, Janko, PASEL, Joachim, KOLB, Günter. Control of autothermal reforming reactor of diesel fuel. Journal of power sources, Elsevier, 2016, 313.
PREGELJ, Boštjan, DOLANC, Gregor, PETROVČIČ, Janko. FCGEN - razvoj in izvedba sistema vodenja za pomožni agregat z gorivnimi celicami na dizelsko gorivo. Avtomatika: revija za avtomatizacijo procesov, profesionalno elektroniko in telekomunikacije, vizualne komunikacije in založba d.o.o, 2016, 145.
Nerat, Marko, Juričić, Đani. A comprehensive 3-D modeling of a single planar solid oxide fuel cell. International journal of hydrogen energy 41 (2016) 3613-3627, Elsevier, 2016, .
Nerat, Marko, Vrančić, Damir. A Novel Fast-Filtering Method for Rotational Speed of the BLDC Motor Drive Applied to Valve Actuator. IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, VOL. 21, NO. 3, JUNE 2016, IEEE, 2016, .
PREGELJ, Boštjan, GERKŠIČ, Samo, KNAP, Matic, PERNE, Matija. Koraki za zmanjšanje računske zahtevnosti prediktivnega regulatorja za vodenje plazme v IRT fuzijskem reaktorju. Zbornik petindvajsete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2016, 19. - 21. september 2016, Portorož, Slovenija, 2016, .
Published Scientific Conference contribution (1.08)
DOLENC, Boštjan, STEPANČIČ, Martin, JURIČIĆ, Đani, KOCIJAN, Juš, MARRA, Dario, PIANESE, Cesare. Accounting for modelling errors in model-based diagnosis by using Gaussian process models. International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, SysTOL 206, Barcelona, September 7-9, 2016, IEEE, 2016, 510-515.
MLAKAR, Primož, KOKAL, Dragana, GRAŠIČ, Boštjan, BOŽNAR, Marija, GRADIŠAR, Dejan, KOCIJAN, Juš. Validation of the performance of meteorological forecasts in fine spatial and temporal resolution designed as an input for dispersion models. BOZÓ, László (ur.), FERRENCZI, Zita (ur.), PUSKÁS, Márta T. (ur.). Proceedings, fHARMO-17, 17th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 9-12 May 2016, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest: Hungarian Meteorolgical Service, 2016, 30-35.
BOŽNAR, Marija, GRAŠIČ, Boštjan, MLAKAR, Primož, GRADIŠAR, Dejan, KOCIJAN, Juš. Analysis of the daily cycles in the data on air pollution through the use of advanced analytical tools. BOZÓ, László (ur.), FERRENCZI, Zita (ur.), PUSKÁS, Márta T. (ur.). Proceedings, fHARMO-17, 17th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 9-12 May 2016, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest: Hungarian Meteorolgical Service, 2016, 171-176.
GRADIŠAR, Dejan, GRAŠIČ, Boštjan, BOŽNAR, Marija, MLAKAR, Primož, KOCIJAN, Juš. Local ozone predictin with hybrid model. MERKURYEV, Yuri (ur.), ÖREN, Tuncer I. (ur.), OBAIDAT, Mohammad Salameh (ur.). SIMULTECH : proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, July 29 - 31, 201, Lisbon, Portugal, SCITEPRESS = Science and Technology Publications, 2016, 262-269.
GERKŠIČ, Samo, DE TOMMASI, Gianmaria. ITER plasma current and shape control using MPC. 2016 IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control, MSC 2016, September 19-22, 2016, Buenos Aires, IEEE, 2016, .
Published Scientific Conference contribution Abstract (1.12)
GERKŠIČ, Samo, PIRONTI, Alfredo, PREGELJ, Boštjan, DE TOMMASI, Gianmaria, ARIOLA, M., KNAP, Matic, PERNE, Matija. Plasma current and shape control for ITER using fast online. 20th IEEE Real Time Conference, RT 2016, 5 June-10 June 2016, Padova, 2016, .
Independent Scientific Component Part in a Monograph (1.16)
KOCIJAN, Juš, PETELIN, Dejan. Closed-loop control with evolving Gaussian process models. DIMIROVSKI, Georgi M. (ed.). Complex systems : relationships between control, communicatins and computing, (Studies in systems, decision and control, ISSN 2198-4182, vol. 55), Springer, 2016, .
Scientific Monograph (2.01)
KOCIJAN, Juš. Modelling and control of dynamic systems using Gaussian process models, (Advances in industrial control). , Springer, 2016, .
Reviewed University and Academic Textbook (2.03)
KOCIJAN, Juš, STRMČNIK, Stanko. Osnove avtomatskega vodenja. , Založba Univerze v Novi Gorici, 2016, .