State-of-the-art in the proposed field of research and survey of the relevant literature¶
In the context of soc fuel cells, building first principle models requires very precise knowledge about the soc microstructure, its porosity, electrode thickness, structure of the individual layers, and other factors (Zou, Manzie, and Nesic 2015). Models range from very simple calculations of the specific reactions, without detailed consideration of the cell microstructure and kinetics (Badur et al. 2018), detailed information on mass transport, heterogeneous chemistry and porous media transport (Kupecki et al. 2018) all the way to very detailed 2D-models for reversibly operated and industrial scale solid oxide cells (Subotić et al. 2020).
Various fault modes have profound influence on the behaviour of soc systems too. Typical cases include carbon depositions, sulphur poisoning, or nickel reoxidation on the anode side (Moçoteguy and Brisse 2013). These mechanisms can bring about the irreversible deterioration of the cell’s electrochemical and micro-structural performance, thus significantly shortening its life-time.
For accurate implementation of the above listed approaches, accelerated and long term testing is usually needed. Such experiments allow very detailed chemical and electrochemical characterisations of soc systems. However, experimental investigations are time-consuming and expensive. There are very few published results in the field of soc. Researchers from FZ Jülich as one of the pioneers in the field of sofc among the first performed almost a decade long experiment (Blum et al. 2016). Similar results but more detailed analysis on almost 30,000 hours long experiment are also available (Menzler, Sebold, and Guillon 2017). In the area of soec, the available results are even scarcer (Yan et al. 2017; Tietz et al. 2012)
In the above results, the characterisation of soc systems was almost exclusively done by fairly straightforward approaches such as polarisation curves, eis or drt. There have been only a limited number of cases addressing the actual non-linear nature of these systems (Subotić et al. 2021, 2020) A logical continuation is the application of various data-driven techniques in order to characterise and predict the performance of soc systems. An overview of the published results in the field of soc systems is shown in Table 1. It is clear that electrolyses, i.e. soecs and dual-mode (reversible soc) systems are underrepresented.
soc systems
(Jurado 2003; X.-J. Wu et al. 2007; Huo et al. 2008; Hajimolana et al. 2013; Marchetti et al. 2011) S
design parameter o ptimization
(Nassef et al. 2019; Song et al. 2020; Bozorgmehri and Hamedi 2012; Yan et al. 2019)
des ign/process parameter o ptimization
(Le, Nguyen, and Nguyen 2019)
fault detection
(Wu and Ye 2016; Zhang et al. 2018; Pahon et al. 2016)
mu lti-physics model enhancement
(Grondin et al. 2012)
performance o ptimization
(Xu et al. 2020) S
performance prediction
(Zahadat and Milewski 2015; Han et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2017)
(Arriagada 2002; Marra et al. 2013; X.-j. Wu et al. 2007; Milewski and Świrski 2009; Chaichana et al. 2011; Baldinelli et al. 2018; Chakraborty 2009; Entchev and Yang 2007; Sorrentino et al. 2014; Gebregergis et al. 2008; Chen, Chen, and Zhang 2019; Song et al. 2021)
(Günay et al. 2011)
p erformance/ degradation prediction
(Dolenc et al. 2017)
process parameter o ptimisation
(Ahn et al. 2019) S
(Salehi and Gh olaminezhad 2018)
Preliminary results¶
Members of both teams have a substantial track record in the field of soc electro-chemical characterisation (Königshofer, Pongratz, et al. 2021; Höber et al. 2021), modelling (Žnidarič et al. 2021) and performing fault detection of various soc based systems (Königshofer, Boškoski, et al. 2021; Nusev et al. 2021). In the last year tug and jsi teams have carried out preliminary investigations on using various data driven techniques on soc systems.
tug team members have successfully implemented vanilla deep-neural networks for modelling soc systems (Mütter 2021; Subotić, Eibl, and Hochenauer 2021). The results show very good potential to predict sofc performance by modelling polarisation curves and eis characteristics.
Additionally, the jsi team has addressed the issues of stochastic model parameters of lumped sofc models (Žnidarič et al. 2021). Using the vb approach it was shown that the parameters of the resulting lumped model have indeed stochastic nature. As a result, each frequency point of the obtained impedance curves is described with its own posterior distribution that accommodates the underlying uncertainties (both measurement and system’s). Despite these promising results, the issues of explainability and more importantly incorporating experts knowledge are still open issues.
Ahn, Ji Ho, Min Jae Kim, Yeon Woo Cho, and Tong Seop Kim. 2019. “A Quadruple Power Generation System for Very High Efficiency and Its Performance Optimization Using an Artificial Intelligence Method.” Applied Thermal Engineering 168: 114861.
Arriagada, J. 2002. “Artificial Neural Network Simulator for Sofc Performance Prediction.” Journal of Power Sources 112 (1): 54–60.
Badur, Janusz, Marcin Lemański, Tomasz Kowalczyk, Paweł Ziółkowski, and Sebastian Kornet. 2018. “Zero-Dimensional Robust Model of an SOFC with Internal Reforming for Hybrid Energy Cycles.” Energy 158: 128–38.
Baldinelli, Arianna, Linda Barelli, Gianni Bidini, Fabio Bonucci, and Feride Iskenderoğlu. 2018. “Regarding Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Simulation Through Artificial Intelligence: A Neural Networks Application.” Applied Sciences 9 (1): 51.
Blum, Ludger, L. G. J. de Haart, Jürgen Malzbender, Nikolaos Margaritis, and Norbert H. Menzler. 2016. “Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Achieves 70 000 Hours of Continuous Operation.” Energy Technology 4 (8): 939–42.
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Gebregergis, A., P. Pillay, D. Bhattacharyya, and R. Rengaswemy. 2008. “Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (1): 139–48.
Grondin, D., J. Deseure, P. Ozil, J.-P. Chabriat, B. Grondin-Perez, and A. Brisse. 2012. “Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell 3D Simulation Using Artificial Neural Network for Cathodic Process Description.” Chemical Engineering Research and Design 91 (1): 134–40.
Günay, M. Erdem, Fatma Akpinar, Z. Ilsen Onsan, and Ramazan Yildirim. 2011. “Investigation of Water Gas-Shift Activity of Pt–Mox–Ceo2/Al2o3 (M = K, Ni, Co) Using Modular Artificial Neural Networks.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (3): 2094–2102.
Hajimolana, S. A., S. M. Tonekabonimoghadam, M. A. Hussain, M. H. Chakrabarti, N. S. Jayakumar, and M. A. Hashim. 2013. “Thermal Stress Management of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Neural Network Predictive Control.” Energy 62: 320–29.
Han, Jing, Xi Wang, Limei Yan, and Aida Dahlak. 2019. “Modelling the Performance of an Soec by Optimization of Neural Network with Mpso Algorithm.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (51): 27947–57.
Höber, Michael, Benjamin Königshofer, Philipp Wachter, Gjorgji Nusev, Pavle Boskoski, Christoph Hochenauer, and Vanja Subotić. 2021. “Holistic Approach to Design, Test, and Optimize Stand-Alone Sofc-Reformer Systems.” Processes 9 (2): 348.
Huo, Hai-Bo, Xin-Jian Zhu, Wan-Qi Hu, Heng-Yong Tu, Jian Li, and Jie Yang. 2008. “Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Sofc Based on a Hammerstein Model.” Journal of Power Sources 185 (1): 338–44.
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Königshofer, Benjamin, Gernot Pongratz, Gjorgji Nusev, Pavle Boškoski, Michael Höber, :raw-latex:`DJ`ani Juričić, Mihails Kusnezoff, et al. 2021. “Development of Test Protocols for Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells Operated Under Accelerated Degradation Conditions.” Journal of Power Sources 497: 229875.
Kupecki, Jakub, Davide Papurello, Andrea Lanzini, Yevgeniy Naumovich, Konrad Motylinski, Marcin Blesznowski, and Massimo Santarelli. 2018. “Numerical Model of Planar Anode Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Fed with Fuel Containing H2s Operated in Direct Internal Reforming Mode.” Applied Energy 230: 1573–84.
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