Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship position at Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia. At Jozef Stefan Institute, you will have a thrilling opportunity to apply the latest technologies to solve real-world problems, particularly modelling or control design of dynamic systems.


Research area and project description:


We are looking for qualified and talented enthusiast PhD students who wish to investigate the modelling or control design problem of dynamic systems using artificial intelligence/machine learning methods, with emphasis on big data, computer-assisted modelling, online learning, deep learning, probabilistic, and kernel methods for various domains of application.


The objectives of the proposed research topic for PhD project are to develop methods for dynamic system modelling based on machine learning methods to be better suited for the targeted application. The models obtained are meant for different applications, each representing a potential PhD project, which are as follows.

          Modelling of spatiotemporal systems using Gaussian processes and image or video forecasting, e.g., for modelling pollution dispersion

          Designing adaptive and robust control systems that handle signal and safety constraints in complex dynamic systems.


If you wish to shape the future by combining system identification and control design with machine learning methods, come and join us. With your help, we can create this vision.


The fully funded PhD position is at Jozef Stefan Institute, a stimulating environment to drive your passion for research.

Qualifications and specific competencies:


-       A master's degree in control theory, electrical engineering, computer science/engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, mechatronics, physics, applied mathematics, or other related disciplines

-       Excellent verbal and writing skills in English with very good communication skills

-       excellent analytical and problem-solving skills

-      well-developed programming skills in Matlab or Python and other programming languages


-       Experience in system identification or machine learning

-       Demonstration of research activities (conference or journal papers)



To apply for this PhD position, send an email to with “PhD application” as the subject, attaching an academic CV, a cover letter, a pdf of your diplomas and a transcript of course work and grades, a certificate of proficiency in English, and any other document deemed necessary by the candidate which can enrich the application. The call for applications will remain open until the optimal candidate is found, but at the latest, until September 15th, 2024.


Do you want to study for a PhD at an established research institute?

The Institut Jozef Stefan is the leading Slovenian research organisation. It involves a broad spectrum of basic and applied research in natural sciences and technology. Its departments specialise in research in physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear technology, energy utilisation and environmental science. The basic goals of the Institute are to provide expert scientific and applied output in the form of processes, products, and consultancy, as well as to produce well-trained young scientists. Learn more at /en/ and /en/


Slovenia is a south-central European country and a member of the European Union stretching between the Adriatic Sea and the Alps. Ljubljana is a lively industrial, commercial, administrative, and cultural centre with a population of 300,000, 55,000 of whom are students.


Salary range: 

The post carries a competitive gross salary of about 21000 EUR per year and offers possibilities for research-related travel. The working and fiscal status of a recipient of a PhD fellowship is that of an institute employee. 


Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact: 
Professor Juš Kocijan, e-mail:,