1.1.2024 - 30.6.2026
European Union – NextGenerationEU within Recovery and Resilience Plan, Republic of Slovenia (Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Slovenian Reseach and Innovation Agency)
The HyBReED project brings together 15 leading Slovenian partners in the field of hydrogen technologies, batteries and industrial transition, among which are recognized research institutions and companies. The project focuses on the development of sustainable solutions for the energy sector, including the production, storage and use of hydrogen and batteries in energy-intensive industries. The Department of Systems and Control leads the project pillar "Production and storage of H2 and dynamic grid balancing" and participates in the development of the SOFC fuel cell and electrolyzer, the process for converting hydrogen into ammonia for energy storage needs, and in the research of methods for balancing the electrical energy system and market by using hydrogen technologies.
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