Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavle Boškoski
1.2.2024 - 31.1.2027
The integration of AI in healthcare has resulted in a paradigm shift in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients. This technology is revolutionising healthcare research and improving patient outcomes by providing more accurate diagnoses and facilitating personalised treatments. The potential applications of AI in healthcare are extensive and far-reaching. The implementation of AI in hospitals can make healthcare systems more intelligent, efficient, and faster in delivering care to millions of people. The integration of AI is a promising development that could transform how patients receive quality care, while reducing costs for providers and improving health outcomes. For this potential to be turned i nto reality, we have to work to close the skills gap: 14 million EU healthcare professionals need to become much better aware of the pitfalls and promises of AI, in order to help build trust of the care givers and care takers in AI-powered solutions. At the same time, data scientists who train algorithms for medical purposes rarely receive sectoral specialisation; while this might have less consequence for AI tools in agriculture, in medicine when flawed their solutions end up being deadly. AI2MED is an Alliance with a goal to answer that challenge. We bring together highly motivated HEIs, VET providers, enterprises and research institutions from Ireland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro. We propose to co-create cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary teaching and training courses that would help medical and data science experts to acquire what we term AI-in-MED related skills. In order to put healthcare workers at the forefront of the AI innovation in medicine, we will launch Incubation labs – space for all sides of the knowledge triangle to come together and spark innovation in healthcare using the latest technological tools. AI2MED is a step in the direction of making healthcare more accurate, efficient and accessible to all.
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