
April 5, 2018

Certificate of Recognition of PCT Technology Network for the Master's Thesis in the field of plasma control in the ITER tokamak

Technology Network Process Control Technology (PCT) has delivered awards and certificates of recognition for the best diploma thesis and master's thesis for 2018. The Master's Thesis Certificate of Recognition for 2018 was awarded to Matic Knap for his master's thesis entitled "Simulation of the Magnetic Plasma Shape Control for the Tokamak ITER". The underlying work has been performed at our Department of Systems and Control at Jozef Stefan Institute under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Simon Širca and co-mentorship of Dr. Samo Gerkšič.
The master's thesis contributed to the research within an international project Fast Model Predictive Control for Magnetic Plasma Control - FMPCFMPC that addresses a challenging large-scale multivariable fast MPC plasma shape and position control in tokamak fusion reactors.

The award ceremony was held on April 5, 2018 at Lego-Masters event. Congratulations!

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Technology Network PCT Certificate of RecognitionTechnology Network PCT Certificate of Recognition awarded to Matic Knaphe prize was taken over by Dr. Samo Gerkšič (co-mentor)