Stereo Photo Maker 3.20

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Moderators: damir, TriDe

Stereo Photo Maker 3.20

Postby damir on 27 Oct 2007, 19:12

Na voljo je ze nova verzija Stereo Photo Maker-ja:

Novosti so naslednje (v anglescini):

The latest release of SPM allows you to batch-create side-by-side
images (with any aspect-ratio) in a format suitable for digital

The mouse-wheel zoom is now centered on the initial cursor position,
allowing you to zoom-into a feature of interest.

In all stereo viewing modes (except page-flipping) you now have the
option of showing a grid overlay with the number of rows and columns
of your choice.

For webpage presentation of side-by-side images, you may now
losslessly create JPG triplets in LRL or RLR format from existing
JPG images.

When using an unsynchronised pair of cameras, or a single camera, any
objects that move during the taking will be at an incorrect depth.
SPM now provides a stereo clone-brush to correct these errors.
You may choose brush-size, shape and hardness.

Undo and Redo may now be done up to 100 times (depending on memory).

A menu option to clear buffers speeds-up operations if Windows uses
swap files.

Maximum image size for auto-correction is now 16383 pixels width
and/or height.

On completion of Multiconversion, you can now choose to return to
that operation rather than just exiting.

Brief notes in Help file about using SPM with Vista (based on posts
here by Pierre Meindre and others) and a page on 'Basic Operations'
that summarises commonly-used features.
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