Torej, nasel sem software, ki bi nam lahko prisel prav za prikazovanje stereoskopskih slik in filmov.
Pri prikazovanju slik lahko izberemo tudi glasbo v ozadju, slike pa se lahko prelivajo (nacin prelivanja lahko sami izberemo).
Program je Freeware.
Na zalost nimam veliko casa za pojasnjevanje delovanja, lahko pa zagotovim da je program fantasticen, ker lahko nastavljas ogromno zadev. Omogoca tudi kreiranje exe datoteke za potrebe prikazovanja.
Torej, program lahko dobimo tukaj:
Snamemo verzijo za 3D prikazovanje (
Lahko tudi uporabimo hrvasko verzijo (z vaso pomocjo bom poskusal zadevo prevesti v Slovenscino).
Pri uporabi programa sem imel par vprasanj, ki jih je avtor tudi odgovoril (vse je v angleskem jeziku):
Q: Is it possible to show stereo picture (left-right) on two screens (by using two VGA/DVI outputs) such that each picture is placed CENTERED on the screen (left picture CENTERED on left and right picture CENTERED on right one)? Namely, digital stereo pictures (e.g. in left-right format) usually do not have the same size due to croppings.
A: In MyAlbum, open the "Application Setup" screen (in the "File" menu) and go to the "MAX" tab. There select "JPS file processor..." extension and click the "Setup" button.
The setup screen has various options for displaying the JPS stereo pictures. In your case you may want the check the option "Resize JPS" and set the values to 1024x768 (provided that you are using XGA screens) and check the option "Center JPS Horizontally". The latest option will center the L & R parts of the JPS file, i.e. each part will be centered on its screen. Note that if the first option is not set, the size (here 1024x768) is used as an aspect ratio value (here 4:3) and must also be indicated.
Q:jps pictures are not recognized when you add files ("all supported files" does not have jps filter) so I have to use "all files" instead.
A: jps are taken into account with the "Edit > Add Folder" command
Q: Is it possible to get rid of picture name at the left bottom corner?
A: Just press the 'C' when the picture is displayed or deselect the "Display comments" option in the "Color and Appearance" tab of the "Album Info" (F6) dialog box.
Take also a look at the "How to... Customize the display of the pictures" section in the MyAlbum help (F1).